Book Idea

     Ever since I was young I absolutely loved to write. Due to my interest in writing, I began to form a story at only the age of six. This story has stuck with me for my whole life, and I really don't intend on it stopping. 
     The story is about a world corrupted with "creatures" named the in-humans. In reality, they were advance humans with powers. The humans began to fear for their families' lives, because of the in-humans, so they had claimed war upon them. During this time, anyone found to be an in-human was sent to a prison to be executed.
     The story follows a group of young adults around the age of seventeen to nineteen. Their names are Jake, Mia, X-Ander, Lilly, and Marco. All but one had been childhood friends, living through hiding their powers in fear of being killed.
     Of course, there is a group going against the humans who disgrace any in-humans, these people are called Indefrent. The Indeferent begin to get attention of the humans ten years after the war started.
     The five characters become caught after an indecent in which they had to reveal their powers, leaving them to choose to be in hiding or fight against the humans.

     I don't know when I will have the available time to actually produce the story, but when I do, I really do hope after years of character building, the story is going to turn out to be extraordinary.


  1. This is one of the coolest stories I've head! You should keep trying to achieve your goal of finishing your book. I would love to read the finishing product.


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